From the Cradle to College

Education Development

Looking To Become A Better Nurse? Two Reasons To Work With A Nurse Coach

Entering the nursing profession is truly a labor of love. The people that you see on a daily basis are there because they need medical assistance from a knowledgeable, caring person who is willing to help. You likely encounter many scenes that the average individual wouldn't be able to bear and this alone is something to be commended. Whether you're just getting start

How To Survive Nursing School As A Single Parent

Being a single parent comes with many challenges. Making the decision to go to nursing school adds another layer to the complications and struggles of parenting solo. Many people are able to successfully make it through nursing school while raising children alone. Below are some ways to survive nursing school while raising a family. Look into financial aid. Financial

How A Specialized School Can Help Your Child Embrace Their Talents

A child's education can oftentimes feel overwhelming, even for parents. If you feel like your child is learning a little bit of every subject but not a lot of one then you may be concerned that they aren't really developing their talents. While your child may be okay at math, if they are excellent at music or art, shouldn't they spend more of their time nurturing that

How To Find A Patent To Purchase

When an individual owns a patent, he or she doesn't have to necessarily hold onto the patent for ever. Some patent rights are purchased by someone else who may be able to put the patent to better use. If you are interested in purchasing a patent, there are several steps you should take to do so. Determining Patent Ownership The initial owner of a patent is the invento